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Cropped photo of Gai Brodtmann talking to attendees at a Women in National Security roundtable

Women in National Security Roundtable

Attendees in discussion at a Women in National Security roundtable


The ASPI DC team was thrilled to host a roundtable discussion on advancing women in national security, moving from rhetoric to action, on 08 July 2024. 

Facilitated by Gai Brodtmann, ASPI Council Chair, and Marika Vigo, ASPI DC Events and Communications Manager, the event focused on key challenges and opportunities for women in the peace and national security space, such as overcoming data biases against women by increasing data transparency and accountability; breaking down barriers to entry and success for women in the space; amplifying female voices beyond tokenism to real integration into national security discourse; and collaborating across institutions, industries, and mediums to implement inclusivity and affect change within the landscape.

The roundtable solicited candid conversation on the need for better data collection around women in the industry, perhaps through a centralized mechanism or pool of talent; the opportunity from the QUAD and AUKUS for virtual mentoring to empower the next generation of female national security leaders; and the importance of overcoming systemic obstacles against women in the space (e.g., male-centric networks, gendered lexicon, invitations to moderate rather than speak on panels).

We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the representatives from academia, industry, think tanks, and government who participated in the dialogue and look forward to continuing it further!


Photo of Gai Brodtmann talking to attendees at a Women in National Security roundtable