Professor Günter Krings
Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community; External Contributor
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Professor Dr Günter Krings is the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community.
From 1989 to 1995 Prof Dr Krings studied law and history at the University of Cologne and at Temple University, Philadelphia, where, as a Fulbright scholar, he received a Master of Laws in US and international law. In 2002 he received his doctoral degree (with a dissertation on the basis and limitations of constitutional claims to protection) from the University of Cologne where he also worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Public Law (1997 – 2002). In addition, he worked as a lecturer at the Cologne School of Journalism (1997 – 2002) and as a lawyer (1998 – 2013).
Since 2002 Prof Dr Krings has been a Member of the German Bundestag for the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Among various assignments he was legal officer and deputy chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. In December 2013 he was appointed Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of the Interior, Building and Community.
Since 2009, he has headed the Federal Working Group of Christian Democratic Lawyers (BACDJ) and is by virtue of this function a member of the Federal Executive of the CDU. He is also chairman of the Mönchengladbach county association of the CDU, since 2014 chairman of the CDU Niederrhein and since 2017 chairman of the CDU North Rhine-Westphalia at the German Bundestag.
Prof Dr Krings is deputy chairman of the German-American Parliamentary Friendship Group and a member of the board of the German-American Lawyers Association (DAJV).