Dr Muhammad Dan Suleiman
Research Fellow, Africa Research & Engagement Centre, The University of Western Australia; External Contributor
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Dr Muhammad Dan Suleiman is a Research Fellow at the Africa Research & Engagement Centre, and the Centre for Muslim States and Societies of the University of Western Australia, Perth.
At UWA he has taught units on International Security, Peace and Security in Africa, and the International Politics of Africa.
His works on African politics and international relations, and Islamism in West Africa appear in African Security, Terrorism and Political Violence, Peace and Conflict Studies, The Australasian Review of African Studies, African Identities, Springer, and Palgrave MacMillan. In 2018, his article “What Makes Islamist Movements Different? A Study of Liberia’s NPFL and Nigeria’s Boko Haram in West Africa” (Terrorism and Political Violence) received the Khalifa Al-Falasi Prize in Muslim Studies. Muhammad’s forthcoming works include “The spatial production of an ‘ungoverned’ and fragmented Libya” (book chapter with Debora V. Malito, Michigan University Press), and his forthcoming book (Routledge) which interrogates the politics of “knowing” (and “unknowing”) in the representation of Islamist movements in West Africa. He is a Fellow of the United Nations’ Fellowship Program for People of African Descent, and 2016 Australian Commonwealth Parliamentary Library Summer Scholar.