Dr Andrew Davies
Senior Fellow
Contact information
Contact information
Defence capability, defence industry, submarines, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, ADF force structure, ANZUS alliancePhone
(+61 2) 6270-5100Biography
Dr Andrew Davies served as the inaugural Director of ASPI's Defence & Strategy Program a post which he held until March 2018
Andrew has been with ASPI from 2006 until 2018. He has written extensively on ADF capability and force structuring issues, including platform options for air and maritime combat, industry issues, and decision-making in the Department of Defence.
He has an ongoing interest in the future submarine and Joint Strike Fighter projects, and his work on both has made an important contribution to the public understanding of those projects here and abroad.
Before joining ASPI, Andrew was a post doctoral fellow in physics at Melbourne University and the ANU. He then spent twelve years in the Department of Defence in the areas of capability analysis and intelligence.